Webinarii Statista
Faceți cunoștință cu numeroasele moduri în care puteți utiliza platforma Statista. Învățați să vă orientați și să beneficiați de toate avantajele ei prin webinarii gratuite.
1. THE UNIVERSE OF DATA Watch our 10-minute basics webinar. It will walk you through the platform and highlight the many benefits of our data. >> Watch webinar now << |
2. eCOMMERCE DATABASE The ecommerceDB unlocks the world of global digital commerce to you. Our 20-minute webinar shows you how to use the database and includes exciting insights. >> Watch webinar now << |
Now online: Statista Webinar Hub
Our experts put data into context: on our Statista Webinar Hub you can find all webinars on social topics and digital transformation, as well as platform trainings for our users.